Legal notice
FISAT Fach- und Interessenverband für seilunterstützte Arbeitstechniken e.V.
Registered office: Berlin
Branch office:
Kreuznacher Straße 6 · D-55559 Bretzenheim
Phone +49 (0)671 9200 2833
Copyright: © FISAT
Responsible for content in accordance with German law TDG § 6 and § 10 Section 3: FISAT e.V.
International membership: Member of ECRA (European Committee for Rope Access)
Screen design, technical support and programming: minuskel screen partner
Concept: Ralph Sinapius ,
Translation: FISAT e.V.
Content Management System: Typo3
Photos: archives FISAT, NAWROCKI ALPIN GmbH and SEILPARTNER GmbH; Holger Lucke, Ralph Sinapius
According to the ruling of the Hamburg court (Landgericht) from May 12, 1998, anyone providing a link to another site is co-responsible for the content of such linked site. This can, according to the court, only be excluded by expressly excluding responsibility for such content. We have on this site provided links to other internet sites. For all such links, the following applies: "We expressly state that we have no influence whatsoever on the design and/or content of linked sites. We therefore expressly distance ourselves from all content on all sites to which ours has provided links and declare that that content is not our own and we are not responsible for it. This declaration applies to all links shown on our site and for all content of sites to which any banners and links on our site may lead."